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Jeremy Takes Care of your Skin

At the Institute, we offer individually tailored programs to assist in rejuvenating and keeping your skin looking its best.

The key ingredients

We use combinations of alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) to benefit the overall appearance of the skin. Commonly called “fruit acids” because they occur naturally in fruits, vegetables and sugar cane, these products can produce smoother, more radiant skin all over the face and body.

We also use more aggressive Retin-A, and chemical peels, offering a conditioning program that is then followed by a maintenance program.

The Program

We offer programs that are only available through a medical practice, as the agents are more potent than those available in “over the counter” products or in local beauticians. Individual skin care programs combining products such as Sydney Skin Institue and Cosmedix ranges, with microdmabrasion and chemical peels will be tailored to your specific needs.

Extracts for Dr Jeremy Hunt